PhD Programme
Simos Yannas, Pier Vittorio Aureli, Lawrence Barth, Paula Cadima, Mark Cousins, Jorge Fiori, Hugo Hinsley, George Jeronimidis, Marina Lathouri, Rosa Schiano-Phan, Patrik Schumacher, Brett Steele, Thomas Weaver, Michael Weinstock

The AA School’s PhD programme combines advanced research with a broader educational agenda, preparing graduates for practice in global academic and professional environments. Current doctoral research encompasses the topics of the school’s postgraduate programmes in architectural theory and history, architectural urbanism, emergent technologies and design, and sustainable environmental design. Along with the traditional format of the text-based dissertation PhD candidates can choose to incorporate design research as part of the formal argumentation and output of their doctoral projects. 

This has been another exceptional year for the PhD programme with eight completions since January and three more scheduled for the summer. Several doctoral research projects are now being developed under the option of PhD in Architectural Design and shared research issues were explored in both regular seminars and at a symposium organised by students with a group of invited speakers. Throughout the year several of the PhD programme’s candidates contributed to conferences and publications in the UK and abroad. 

PhD degrees at the AA School are administered in partnership with the Open University and students pursuing PhD degrees are also registered with the OU.