Xinyue Zhang
Inter 3
Conceptual drawing investigating the relationship between the land and the sea via sensors.A conventional hacker vs a fisherman hacker
Introducing the force of hacker into the post-disaster scenario.The proposed building functions as an underwater 3D printer that receives various inputs from urban online users for printing its water-touching facade - a conglomerative reflection of  the collective consciousness.Over this timeline of outstanding political events and earthquakes that happened in Japan, a cyclic pattern can be spotted - a disastrous culture has rooted deep into its Japanese culture.Base Level - collaborative working space for the fisherman/hackers; 
Upper Interior - Entirely dedicated to a set of 3D printers
Online users are able to submit their imagination towards the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in forms of radiated sea creatures for 3D printing.The city of Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, lost its famous fishing farms to the great tsunami triggered by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake; the future of this fishing city is also facing potential risk of radiation-affected sea water for its renowned industry.The choice of 3D printing material for the water-touching facade goes to water soluble fish food powder that will be consumed by fish, cracks down and washed away in time - allows a new round of input to be printed so the facade will always be updated.A series of prototypes, using the Arduino board and water sensors, are carried out to detect the tidal height changes in real time as inputs and various movements as outputs.