He who cans no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. We are blinded by the lights, the noise, the long toilet queues, wars and the crowds, and we miss the extraordinary behind every street, the incredible moments of connections and the heartfelt creative displays We lifted our eyes, step back then freeze. Up to the sky, feel the radiance of warm around you. Upon the lock the old familiar hand, then first our spirit seemed to sense the atmosphere, of lost paradise, the first pleasure and excitement.Of time ran golden; and we felt our heart put on an adventure, and our soul expands. We surges a desire to jump to the next intersection point of time and space. We do not need to rush thru spaces, we slow down, we release, and we claim liberty today. The time has come to build to create once lost street that relieves our urban life.
To pause is to engage is to create more rhythms of movement with intent. We are to a great extent controlled by our needs and it is in playing that we relieve many stresses we experience, almost without realizing that we are already doing so.
The real notion of pause in space is to play.
Slowing down is a way to incubate, conserve, and harvest our energy, not about relief from boredom by just watching more TV or going shopping. You may have to confront boredom at first. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.It’s our time. It’s our life. We can think of time as an investment. So let’s take just a few minutes to pause and play now.