Harmonic Frequencies
An Allegorical Construct of Vibrating Architectures.
Harmonic Frequencies is the design of a vibrating allegorical landscape that physicalizes the ephemeral processes in Modern Finance – Black Box Algorithms that account for more than 70% of Wall street trading. The project uses BP share prices to investigate these algorithms as a British company drilling for oil in Alaska. The model is a vibrating instrument, an allegorical stage that exhibits their behaviours. It used VIBRATION as a mode of connecting to and experiencing the flow of the algorithms. It is a project conceived by Wittgenstein’s notion of making these calculating machines occur in nature and continued by the traders to bring these queer mathematical constructions to life. Through the project I explore visceral methods to relate to them so we can read fluctuations in the algorithm in the same way we read fluctuations in weather. Because just like weather used to shape commerce, trade winds and growing seasons, this is the contemporary weather shaping our world today.