Ling Leng
Inter 3
Tree growth guidance system is analogy for organic technology. Trees can grow to 100 metres They can stand for thousands of years. They connect to the ground with roots that grip it in a way that is far superior to a man-made pile. As vertical cantilevers they are ambitious structures
dealing with substantial wind loadings.Nature is the master manager of complexity. The Japanese Tsunami recovery scheme plans to transform coastal area into parks and move habitation on to the mountain area. But they do not want to disturb the forest, as it connected to the quality of fish and is a crucial chain in natural water cycle. As a response, the living architecture creates the industrial ecology of buildings, where organic design adapts and flexes and evolves as living creature do.Anthroposcene has meant the earth is heavily influenced by human activity, therefore the system conforms nature instead of taking control over it. The living shrine grows through environmental time, and gains its strength from weathering and germination of biomass. The aim is to utilize and enhance nature’s own ‘beautifully engineered self-assembly system, an attempt to assist human beings to ’muddling through’ the complex system where 'cause and effect zone' embedded, i.e. the level I I and I I I earth-system.As if survived a supernatural thunder, the
architecture of the futuristic treeants’ kingdom domicile within the biosphere of the unattained nature. The nature is so ancient that no human-being could be able to see it in its full
dimension. The entangled and intertwined goliath branches embrace the city as if it was forever sleeping. Regardless of time, the ancient tree-shrine transcends all limits of aging and decay. There were melodies coming
through the water of the magical pond, like that
of the harp, played by underwater mermaids that those silver fishes have turned into after 2 o’clock in the small hours before dawn.Year 1 - Year 60
Growth Simulation of trees and artificial construction over time.Year 80 - Year 150
Growth Simulation of trees and artificial construction over time.Year 1 - Year 60
Growth Simulation of trees and artificial construction over time.Year 80 - Year 150
Growth Simulation of trees and artificial construction over time.There is a futuristic city with the atmosphere of the Meiji era, an epoch that is too silent to be called a monarchy. The king is a goliath treeant that rules the cosmic time of millions of years. It is a silent reign where nobody
noticed its power until the wrath of tsunami and earthquake began to shake off any artificial parts that are en-shrined within its arms......The project reply greatly on visual speculation as well as growth simulation. The narrative journey and the visual aspect of natural atmosphere are vital to the development of project's architectural speculation. The project consists of An approach, a shrine, an office and an accommodation. These spaces are built in different times and are linked by growth and branching of trees and nature.