You are the sex organs in a new nature.
You are nomadic and tribal, spreading invisible pollen.
Your square wings.
Your brand stripes.
Your binary buzz.
Honey is there where pollen is.
Marshall McLuhan says
"Man becomes sex organs of the machine world
just as the bee is of the plant world,
permitting it to reproduce and evolve to higher forms."
I am a bee.
A well-facilitated bee.
A nomadic bee.
A well-facilitated, nomadic bee in a caravan.
Howard Rheingold asked
“Where is the Library of Congress when it’s on my desktop?”.
My caravan is the library
the house,
the workshop,
the bar,
the lecture theatre,
the cinema,
the atelier.
My caravan is everything.
A bit of everything is here.
And I am here in the nature.
The new nature in the Nature.
The Internet.
Information cloud.
4G. 5G 6G…
Gadgets, widgets.
Smaller, lighter faster
Satellite roaming.
Invisible Network.
Digital drawing board
The connections.
that facilitate physical remoteness
and ubiquity of virtual space.
Soul, Delight, Excitement
This is a prognosis of obsessive glimpses.
Bear witness to the culture of continuous ventilation
and circulation of information.
Learning in the new nature.