Frederik Bo Bojesen
Diploma 10
Demonstrating the idea of 'connecting' the backdrop and foreground using waterscreens to direct views.The fixed elements (extended banks, viewpoints and waterscreens), and flexible (image spaces) of the Virtual Square.The composite space with surrounding event time sequence, activating the different spaces.The immediate surrounding of the composite space. In the perimeter you first experience and grasp hints at the composite nature of the Virtual Square.The area linking the composite space to the surrounding city. The second ring showing the 'consolidated blocks' activating sidewalk-lights, the third ring showing the activation of found surfaces in the city, both rings working with the time sequence of the composite space.North-facing section cutting the three bridges, showing waterscreens and their different heights with the City of London as a backdrop.
One of four Corner Buildings defining the Virtual Square. The buildings provide three functions. First, serving as connecting point between the bridges and extended banks. Second, acting as projection screen. Third, acting as viewpoint. The second and third are achieved with a facade of vertical metal strips turning in order to close the facade in one direction and open it in the other.The technical background of the waterscreens in the Virtual Square, showing three types of screens; water curtain, water-fountain and water jets.The view from London Bridge onto the North-East corner building with projection onto it. The corner building linking the bridge to the bank with stairs and providing a viewpoint into the Virtual Square.The Virtual Square uses images projected onto waterscreens on the Thames to use the un-inhabitable river space (midground) as an active agent linking the city surrounding (backdrop) to the activity and experience on the banks (foreground).