Harry Cliffe-Roberts
Diploma 10
Proposed DHL London Strategy. Reviving the river as a key infrastructural route into the city, a network of Stations will supply London from its core rather than relying on arterial roads to bring goods in via HGV's and lorries. Lastly, an extensive network of pickup points is proposed through the franchising into an extensive branch company, such as Pret-A-Manger. This collaboration will see new chances for social interaction in an era of e-commerce whilst significantly reducing courier milage and vehicles in central London.The thames hub, which promises to be a new infrastructural node in the Thames Estuary (integrating air, sea and rail freight) will re-activate the river for the transport of goods into the city. River stations, of which eight potential sites on vacant or strategic industrial land were identified (of which the E1 Station is one) will see the potential regeneration of the wharfs and docklands which were lost in the 1980's. Lastly, combining with the DHL GoGreen scheme, users will be able to offset their carbon emissions on deliveries by nominating a pickup point, inserted into an existing and extensive branch of stores.
A period of site immersion aimed to analyse Wapping as a series of variable elements which could be manipulated and/or added to, in order to create a dedicated service route for DHL goods from the rivers edge, to the Highway which is a primary route into the city and central London. The proposal developed from a critique of the Olympic Route Network's disruption on logistics, which raises the question of: who is the real VIP during the games period? and should logistics and deliveries be given VIP status in the city?Using multiple variables elements, the service route developed into one a with a dual objective.  Firstly, during operational hours (mon-fri) acting as an unobstructed route for DHL vehicles between the revived Tobacco Dock carpark (providing offsite vehicle parking) and the E1 Station. At weekends, this same route provides a new pedestrianised spine through Wapping, connecting the same shared carpark with a new public space incorporated into the E1 Station, and offering the potential for a regeneration of Wapping Lane high street.Using the Royal Festival Hall as a case study, the design of the E1 Station aims to create a similar composite space which sees the overlap and intertwining of multiple programmes and users, constructed from a combination of both social and physical elements. Equally, the station aims to create a relationship with the River Thames; a rare quality in London, but demonstrated by the Royal Festival Hall.The project began with identifying a catalyst for change in london, for which i choose the Olympic Route Network (ORN), which will provide an unrestricted route for VIP’s and the Olympic family during the games period. The knock on effects of this route however, have begun to be realised especially the repercussions upon logistics and delivery. This drawing shows the five primary DHL London depots in relationship to the ORN and the games venues.