Andreea Vasilcin
Final Cut animation movement: do you ever pay attention to scratch?
I tried to capture London's smells by leaving bits of apples in different parts of the city.
The smell made its own visual representation, giving birth to these dots.

* though we should always question facts and speculate on them, the apple is known for absorbing the smell of its environment.Trying to give a different understanding to time, I also paid attention to my traceMaybe literally, I tried to portray myself in these shelves, that are known for what?

Yes, I know that here they will grow in volume and in heaviness.Layers that are adding as time goes, and I will always carry them …
Inspired by Gaston Bachelard's Poetics of Space and as well by two of my favourite books, Jorge Luis Borges's Labyrinths and Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities, I created this game.

You should play with your imagination as you climb or descend stairs and open or close doors – what it means for you.I love the AA's public programme. Archizines was a great exhibition.When I want to share a message, I go in the library and look again through The Medium is the Massage by Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore.Public phone booth or wired phone, Rupert Murdoch or David Cameron? It is all about treating information, public or private.The very personal journey of smell, thus the one of my memories.