Saturated Space is about bringing colour back onto the agenda, into theoretical discourse, practice and academic debate. The cluster held an inaugural event bringing together lectures on the origins, perception, stories told by, and design experiments with colour, from the neuroscientist and founder of neuroesthetics Semir Zeki, geologist Lars Stixrude, art historian Jim Harris, and architects Louisa Hutton and Peter Salter.
Our second event in Venice saw a symposium with the IUAV phd program, initiating a joint research project, and visits to Scarpa’s works, local fabricators, and historical precedents of the use of colore in urban and architectural space. Our third event, held in Cambridge, explored the phenomena of Reflections and Refractions through the prisms of pre-socratic atom theory, string theory, and the architecture of ecclesiology, with guest speakers from Brian Hatton to Ivana Wingham. Our website is constantly updated with guest posts, and will act as the access point, register, and archive of our inclusive and broad network of practitioners looking into the topic.