Hannah Durham
Diploma 6
A Collection of Dictionaries representing the living breathing English Language consisting of a Dictionary of Lost Words, a Dictionary of Emerging Words and a Dictionary of Invented Words. 

Each page leaf represents one word and all the cultural rituals and associations linked with that word which have either been lost, invented or are emerging.
Considering methods of measuring time, Language is a record of cultural changes in time.

New words are added to our English dictionary today at a rate of 14 words per day ....and while this happens words are also removed and new words coined. 

These words have been collected from; past dictionaries sourced at the British library with the oldest dictionary from 1775 and with a few words found online. When a word is lost, the rituals, customs and associations with that word are also lost.  

One example of a LOST word is;
A hasty tidying of the house between the time you see a neighbour and the time she knocks on the door.
Last Used in:-John Gould's Maine Lingo: Boiled Owls, Billdads, and Wazzats, 1975

Another record of time, which is often forgotten or over looked due to its non-visual nature, are lost, present and emerging soundscapes. Often of these are noises which become second nature to our ears- so they become the norm. -an ‘unheard’ background noise. 
Based on the Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) of architectural materials I set up a notation system in order to be able to read the existing site and the designed sound piece in the site in plan and section acoustically. 

Architectural drawings tend to just draw the outline of objects and the site. With this project I was drawing the texture of invisible sound of the proposed design over a site (no outlines).

Right slither drawing: The sound piece as a song within the site. (Note. plan down the left side and section down the right side).

Left slither drawing: The lost/natural, emerging/artificially implanted sounds, site sounds (wind), speaker locations, the score's  timed grid structure all as separate layers within one drawing.Touch the drawing with a stethoscope to locate sounds.A compilation of silence recordings, images and language knowledge learnt on an expedition to Alaska in December 2011.
Each page leaf represents one word meaning snow or ice, a silence recording notated in words and an image captured on the trip.  
While in Alaska I visited the Fairbanks University Supercomputer where I obtained supercomputer data tapes. These tapes were threaded through domestic audio equipment (tapes, reel to reel and videos) to enable the soundscape of the supercomputer to be heard 3-dimensionally as a data space.