Landscape Urbanism
The site is located in the Changping district at the north of Beijing, on the road to the Great Wall and containing the 13 Ming Dynasty Tombs.An active way of preservation is pursued understanding the heritage site as a system and not as an untouchable object.

'Tourism can, and does, influence the heritage agenda because of the ongoing significant inter-relationship between The overall master plan is based on the landscape technique, dealing with topography and the water system.Agricultural Terraces were generated in order to allow an irrigation system for a productive landscape.The program and density is distributed according to the balance of water treatment and the existing villages.Different landforms surround the tombs as an echo of their geometries. This strategy allows the isolation of the tombs and the location of facilities without affecting them.Protective, urban, and productive landscape interact with each other. Different types of tourism take place between the forest surrounding the tombs, in the urban areas with mixed-use buildings, and in lodges located on the agricultural terraces.